While most people have an affiliation with their bank, trust company or credit union, these traditional lenders have one common goal; making the highest return off their initial investment through either higher interest rates, or penalties, or both. Don’t get me wrong, we have a need for the traditional “brick and mortar” deposit institutes but who can consumers, needing a mortgage, turn to for unbiased and objective assistance in finding their perfect mortgage? As a Mortgage Agent I have business relationships with many (50+) independent lenders and private investors. These lenders know they are competing for your mortgage and will put forward their most competitive rates & terms upfront. No awkward haggling or negotiating required by you. None. As part of the Mortgage Matchmaking service, it is my privilege to support you during the initial mortgage courtship, engagement, marriage to your perfect lender right through to the final anniversary celebration when your home is finally mortgage free! |
Okay, so maybe not this simple. We will require you to provide various documents but you get the gist of ease when working with us versus kissing multiple frogs (banks and financial institutes) before finding your perfect match.
Pride of home ownership and the financial security it offers is still a core value held by the vast percentage of consumers. And, doesn’t everyone deserve the opportunity to own a home? |